: who's that girl? - .tuesday morning.

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Oktobris 25., 2005

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19:16 - .tuesday morning.

(11 with milk | cup of coffee?)


Date:25. Oktobris 2005 - 20:38
Monday morning? And here I was thinking that it's just the LO.
[User Picture]
Date:25. Oktobris 2005 - 21:03
ou shit. you see? my brain is totally damadged. there's even no need for attending english lectures.
Date:25. Oktobris 2005 - 21:06
Naw, I think you were simply too mournful about not seeing Her today and that's why you didn't feel the need to pay attention to such minor details. :)

/Bet es te tā labu brītiņu domāju. Monday. Monday? Is it..? Nē, bet.. Monday.
[User Picture]
Date:25. Oktobris 2005 - 21:29
yea, you're probably right. oh, i'm so confused o.O

/es biju pilnīgi pārliecināta (rakstīšanas brīdī), ka ir monday, monday. gribēju pat rakstīt "manic monday", kā tajā vecajā dziesmā.

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