: who's that girl? - : autoplacis

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Aprīlis 28., 2024

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10:47 - : autoplacis

(8 with milk | cup of coffee?)


[User Picture]
Date:28. Aprīlis 2024 - 18:03
Ja reizi nedēļā visu gadu, tad vēl ok.

Sliktākais ir tad, ja brauc pusgadu, teiksim, tikai:

Erin Findley, a Senior Scientist at Valvoline, says that “You hear a lot about 'Grandma cars' on the used market. When I think of how a grandmother might drive, in the summertime she just goes to church, the grocery store and back, then she doesn’t use the car all winter. It sits in the garage.”

Because sitting is the enemy
It turns out that sitting isn’t just terrible for office workers, it’s bad for cars too! “When an engine is just sitting for months or years, it doesn’t get up to temperature, and natural moisture in the air can condense and water can eventually get into your engine or form sludge. That leads to corrosion.” says Findley. Corrosion is a bad thing because it can cause your engine to run rough, or eventually seize up.

[User Picture]
Date:28. Aprīlis 2024 - 19:43
arī šis.

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