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Oktobris 9., 2012

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(8 with milk | cup of coffee?)


[User Picture]
Date:10. Oktobris 2012 - 08:00
which stuff?
[User Picture]
Date:10. Oktobris 2012 - 09:09
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Date:10. Oktobris 2012 - 11:52
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Date:10. Oktobris 2012 - 11:53
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Date:10. Oktobris 2012 - 11:59
Man gan joprojām šķiet, ka tas "very!" ir jālasa ar aizturētu spurgšanu balsī. ;> It seems that I simply have problems with even accepting that people around me could believe in Really Stupid Shit.
[User Picture]
Date:10. Oktobris 2012 - 12:34
you tend to make assumptions, and then - judgements made on these assumptions. stop doing that. and stop feeling superior to others because you think something is stupid. astrology, btw, is hilarious, it's a source of... for lack of a better word - a source of inspiration. but i doubt that you'll understand what i mean, because you think of it in terms of being true or not.
[User Picture]
Date:10. Oktobris 2012 - 12:41
I make these judgements mostly about the generic ideas instead of specific people entertaining these ideas; and mostly based on reasoning about the available evidence instead of arbitrary assumptions. But otherwise yeah, it astrology is a stupid idea as in being demonstrably false, misguided and just silly to the extreme. I can't say I feel superior because of getting that, though. It's simply way too easy for feeling superior. It's the same with god or afterlife or werewolves or tooth fairies - attacking these ideas tend to be hard only because some people defend them so vigorously, otherwise it's kicking the proverbial dead horse over and over again.

On the other hand, I'm not judging you, mind that. (:

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