: who's that girl? - : when did everyone become so freakin' sensitive?

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Novembris 24., 2011

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08:11 - : when did everyone become so freakin' sensitive?

(15 with milk | cup of coffee?)


[User Picture]
Date:24. Novembris 2011 - 09:40
ko, nopietni? "potentially hazardous", tiešām?

un kas ellē ir domāts ar "considering her age" - viņa ir tik jauna, ka, ja šī foto uzņemšanas laikā būtu nācis vilciens, nebūtu mācējusi nokāpt no sliedēm?
[User Picture]
Date:24. Novembris 2011 - 10:31
suicidāla reklāma, štoļi?

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