Sliding dream...

Šonakt man rādījās tehnoloģiski inovatīvs sapnis – pilsētā gar ielu malām ir izbūvētas slīdošās lentes – kā lidostās. Melnas ar fosforizētām maliņām, lai naktī būtu labāk saskatāmas. Ikviens, kas vēlas dodies mājup vai citās darīšanās, tik uzkāpj uz lentes un kā čemodāns nokļūst pie vajadzīgajām namdurvīm. Tik svarīgi neuzkāpt uz nepareizās. Tad var nokļūt nepareizajā „terminālī”. Pamodos un nolēmu – rakstīšu vēstuli pilsētas domei ar ierosinājumu attīstīt pilsētas aplentošanas projektu. Nekur pasaulē taču nekā tāda nav. Mums būs iespēja radīt pašiem savu tūrisma objektu – slīdošo lentu pilsēta, slīdošo cilvēku pilsēta. Welcome to your sliding city! Welcome to your sliding dream! Your slide - your dream!


Intepretation of Dreams

O, atradu šitādu saitu: kur var ierakstīt vārdiņu un dabūt interpretāciju.

To see a road in your dream, indicates your sense of direction and pursuit of your goals. To see a winding, curvy, or bumpy road in your dream, suggests that you will encounter many obstacles and setbacks toward achieving your goals. You may be met with unexpected difficulties. If the road is dark, then it reflects the darker or more frightening choices which you have made or are making.

To see a smooth road bordered by green trees and flowers, denotes a steady progress and steady climb up the social ladder. If the road is straight and narrow, then it means that your path to success is going according as planned.

To see an unknown road in your dream, signifies that you new project will cause more grief than it is worth and a waste of time.

To dream that a threatening creature is on a road, parallels a hostile situation/person you are encountering in your waking life. It is an obstacle that you need to overcome, no matter how intimidating the situation or person may appear. *Please see also Street.

Re: Intepretation of Dreams

To dream that you or somebody is on a slide, indicates that you are experiencing some instability in your waking life. You may have lost your grip on a situation or relationship.

To dream that you are sliding, represents a loss of control.

Re: Intepretation of Dreams

Karoče, ja gribi sajusties reāli neirotisks, tad vari sākt nodarboties ar sapņu analīzi :))))))

Re: Intepretation of Dreams

stabils - labi, nestabils - slikti utt. tiek atražotas binārās opozīcijas, kurām, protams, ir jau arī kāds kultūrvēsturisks segums.

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