Date: | 2012-04-08 00:36 |
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6. about Brooks's best robot Herbert (named after Simon)
Brooks use "subsumption architecture" according to which systems are decomposed not in the familiar way of local functions and facultiues, but rather by global activities and tasks
no distinction between peripheral systems - activity producing system as a layer - activity as a pattern of the interactions with the world - activities might aswell be called skills
Herbert has 14 relatively independent and closely knit subsystems, each encompassing both structures of the robot and structures outside of it. Each of subsystems is somewhat mental, somewhat bodilyy and somewhat worldly. This is, according to Simon's principles of intensity of interaction, the primary division is not into mind, body, world, but rather into "layers" that cut accross these
outer surface of robot is not a primary interface
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Date: | 2012-04-07 22:40 |
Subject: | John Haugeland, Mind embodied and embedded |
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question is to ask whether we can (..) partition off the intellect (or mind) from the body and/or the world.
whether it can be understood as a distinct and well-defined subsystem.
An electronic component's connecting wires constitute its "interface" to the rest of the system. component is a relatively independent and self-contained portion of a system and (..)interacts with other components only through interfaces interface is a point of interactive "contact" between components system is a relatively independent and self-contained composite of components
(when something is both - a component and a system it is often called subsystem)
component as such is delimited by its simple, reliable interfaces
systematic interfaces need not coincide with corporeal surfaces (like in large organizations, corporations the physical location of personnel and data is irrelevant)
what matters is the structure that deterimes departamentalization and hierarchy. (and intensity of interaction - how tightly things are coupled (?))
by paraphrasing Simon: finding, in something complicated and hard to understand, a set of simple, reliable interfaces, dividing it into relatively independent components, is a way of rendering things intelligible
structure of the beach is as important as the structure of the ant in Simon's parable (..) ant's actual path is determined in real time by the close interaction between the ant and (..) beach's surface
if we are interested in the path, and if the ant relies mostly on its own internal structure (..) counting for ground just for friction and support, then the ant and the beach ar two relatively independent components or systems with the interaface at the soles at its feet
but if there is a constant coupling between the ant and (..) the beach surface, (..) then, for purposes of understanding the path, the ant and the beach must be regarded more as an integrated unit than as a pair of distinct components. This is the simplest arechetype of what I mean by intimacy (p.217)
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Date: | 2012-04-06 22:23 |
Subject: | John Haugeland, Mind embodied and embedded |
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the contrary of this separation [Cartesian mind-body] I would like to call the INTIMACY of mind's emodiment and embeddedness in the world [..] 'intimacy' is ment to suggest more than just necessary interrelation and interdependence, but a kind of commingling and integralness of mind, body and world
The strategy will be to bring some well-known principles of systems analysis to bear on the mind-body-world "system" in a way that refocuses questions of division and unity, and then to canvass a selection of investigations and proposals
(sorting issues in this manner has sometimes been called 'embedded computation' or 'situated cognition')
article of Herbert Simon "Embedding Artifice in Nature" - beautiful parable about ant making its way in the beach: "viewed as geometrical figure ant's path is irregular, complex and hard to describe. But its complexity is really the complexity in the surface of the beach, not a complexity in the ant" (ant as a negahving system is simple, complexity is the reflection of the complexity of the environment)
lesson of this parable can be taken in two ways: 1. people can be seen as behaving systems and complexity in their behavior is due to factors external to them (H.Simon's way that author find ultimately untenable) 2. since the complexity of the observed behavior depends on so much more than behaving system itself, the investigation cannot be restricted to the system alone, but must extend to some larger structure, of which it is only a fraction (this reading is the largest scale trend in the history of artificial intelligence - relegating knowledge ("information packed memory") to the "environment")
[..]systems based on semantic nets, frames, internal models, prototypes and "common sense" [..]depends more directly on the particular interconnectedness and organization of its knowledge, than on any reasoning or processing power.
study (or build) intelligent systems is above all to study (or build) large, concrete knowledge structures, not simple processors
If the significant complexity of intelligent behavior depends intimately on the concrete details of agent's embodiment and wordly situation, then perhaps intelligence as such should be understood as charactheristic, in the first instance, of some more comprehensive structure than an internal disembodied "mind", whether artificial or natural.
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Date: | 2010-10-14 05:38 |
Subject: | nihilists budista ķermenī |
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nav tā, ka es esmu mākslas nihiliste - kā man nupat teica; tieši otrādi - man tā ir tik svarīga, ka es negribu to apgānīt ar savu piedalīšanos, tāpēc arī ar to nenodarbojos
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Date: | 2010-09-28 01:48 |
Subject: | es mirstu - es dzīvoju |
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'pasākumā ar māksliniekiem' man likās es pastāstīju par daudz, bet arī atrunāju to, sakot, ka es negribu baidīties no teksta un tāpēc saku, cik man ir sakāms, jo forma to atļauj. taču, kad es to stāstīju, man likās, ka man acīm priekšā ir mati un es runāju uz iekšu. ka es ar visu savu privātumu esmu šausmīgi tālu no tiem, kas stāv apkārt, ka pat acis man skatās uz iekšu.. it kā es patiešām būtu nomirusi, bijusi tur, redzējusi un tagad mums te tāda pasēdēšana ar bildēm, kā tad tur gājis. visu laiku mazliet bažas par to, ka sen esmu pārkāpusi kaut kādu svarīgu ētisko robežu, un kas vēl sliktāk - jūtos droši, to pārkāpusi. un esmu pat otrā pusē uzslējusi veselu pasauli. kuratore pienāca, pateica komplimentus par atbilstošāko iecerei, bet arī tie skanēja kā no tāluma. pēctam paskatījos bildēs uz sevi atkal un arī pati sev salikos jau aizbraukusi.
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Date: | 2010-08-30 12:59 |
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mani uztrauc tas, ka man jāpiedalās izstādē, par kuru cilvēki maksās naudu, bet es tur taisos izstādīt to pašu, ko te rādu par brīvu. tūlīt jau jāsāk krāmēt virsū, bet mani diapozitīvi vēl Londonā un dūša papēžos - ka tas nav izstādes cienīgi. nu, tā nav vizuālā māksla, tas ir vienkārši dzīves veids; bloga paplašinājums un viss. es domāju, ka pierakstīšu klāt, ka tas vienkārši ir no mana bloga.
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Date: | 2010-05-09 15:58 |
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no otras puses.. manī ir iesakņojusies Hačiko pacietība.
loving photography is like waiting for somebody to come
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Date: | 2010-05-09 15:47 |
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es visu daru vienreiz. un no manis pashas izriet 'nekad'.
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Date: | 2010-01-21 07:32 |
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it's a sin
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Date: | 2010-01-19 21:43 |
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Date: | 2010-01-19 08:46 |
Subject: | žoržs pereks "pazušana" [pazudis ir S] |
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Antonam Voilam nevelk uz miegu. Viņa Jāzepiņš rāda pāri 12 naktī. Viņš dziļi noelš un pieceļ ķermeni gultā, novietojot elkoni uz pagalvja. Paņem romānu, atver, burto; bet uztver tik vien kā juceklīgu intrigu; nupat kā viņš ieklemmēja uz kādu vārdu, kam nezināja nozīmi. viņš nolika romānu atpakaļ gultā. Aizgāja ielika izlietnē ūdenī cimdu un apmazgāja pieri un kaklu. pārāk ātri klapēja motoriņš. un kā gan bez drudža. viņš atvēra vēdlogu un vēroja nakti. bija patīkami. no rūpnīcu rajona nāca netieša dunoņa. kaut kur netālu trešo reizi nozvanīja - zemāk par bēru zvanu, izkliedētāk par brīdinājumu un dobjāk par baznīcā izkārto. žēla šļakata kanālā liecināja par garām braucošu baržu. kāda radība ar indigo krūškurvi un dzeltenu dzeloni - neatgādināja ne tarakānu, ne augļu kukaini, bet drīzāk kokgrauzi - rāpoja pa vēdloga atvāžamo aplodu, velkot līdzi alfu kātiņu. viņš pienāca, gribot pieplacināt kukaini ar veiklu mājienu, bet dzīvnieciņš aizlidoja, ātrāk nekā tam dabūja uzbrukt.
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Date: | 2010-01-18 00:41 |
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Stereo didn't exist. If you listened to music outside of church, apart from live music, which was very rare, it was through tiny speakers. It was a nice experience but a very small experience. So to go into a church, which is a specially designed and echoey space, and it has an organ!!!!!
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Date: | 2010-01-18 00:34 |
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That's what a synthesiser is essentially. It's a constantly unfinished instrument.
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Date: | 2010-01-17 22:47 |
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Date: | 2010-01-12 15:16 |
Subject: | customize a kit |
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Date: | 2010-01-06 16:09 |
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es tikai piefiksēju, ka tumšaja istabā vajadzētu šādas mēbeles, kuru skaldnes veido plakaniskas dekorācijas, bet tilpums ir komfortabls.
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Date: | 2009-12-02 11:39 |
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cik patīkami pamosties vienā jaukā dienā un uzzināt, ka nemirstība ir iespējama. Turritopsis nutricula - mūžīgi jaunā medūza.
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Date: | 2009-12-02 09:31 |
Subject: | woman in society |
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4050-3900 B.C.
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Date: | 2009-11-13 13:04 |
Subject: | G.Perec, La disparition (1969) |
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esdomaju, ka latviski piemērotāk būtu izlaist S nevis E burtu.
"kaimiņš līdzcietīgi viņu pavadīja uz pārbaudi Košēna klīnikā. viņš pateica vārdu, nodarbinātā pozīciju. viņam rekomendēja veikt pilnīgu izmeklēšanu, palpāciju un pēctam rentgenu. viņš piekrita. viņam vaicāja: vai daudz bija jācieš? vairāk vai mazāk - viņš atbildēja. kāda tieši vaina? nevarēja pagulēt? vai lietoja kādu tinktūru vai tonizējošo? jā gan, bet necik daudz nelīdzēja. vai vaina ir tīklenē? drīzāk ne. mutē augšā? varbūt. piere? jā. dzirde traucēta? nē, bet naktī bija tāda kā dūkoņa. viņi gribēja zināt: reāla dūkoņa vai tikai šķita, ka dūc? viņš neatbildēja.
viņš bija par labu priekš otorinolaringologa: možu garu, nodzītiem matiem, garu, rudu vaigubārdu, pelēku tauriņu ar baltam pumpiņām un pīpēja pēc alkohola dvakojošu cigarillu. otorinolaringologam bija jāizklaušina un jāveic mērījumi, jāizpēta mute, jāpaplūkā gliemežnīca, jāpārbauda bungādiņa, jāpamīca rīkle, aizdegune un deguna dobumā. viņš to darīja gluži labi, taču nejauki švilpa, kamēr veica izmeklēšanu, tādējādi nokaitinot Antonu."
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Date: | 2009-11-03 10:20 |
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mums bi viņu problēmas...
Miroslavs Guceks par jaunajiem fotogrāfiem 70-tajos: "tas ir pilnīgs demonstratīvums. visi tie jaunieši un meitieši grib tikai radīt kaut ko grandiozu, bet tai pat laikā viņi neprot pat lāgā attīstīt bildes. atnes man uz redakciju akmeņu, aplupušu sienu, miskašu un nolaistu pagalamu attēlus, kas bildēti ar šauro filmiņu. un viss tikai tāpēc, ka viņi to kaut kur redzējuši. mēģina izspiest no sevis to, kā viņos nav. tikai retais prot nofotografēt ziedus tā, ka var sajust to smaržu, parādīt, ka kāds patiešām skumst vai staro priekā, ka kaut kur ir patiešām skaisti vai arī ļoti bēdīgi. (..) Man bieži rodas priekšstats, ka jaunie autori jūtas nepilnvērtīgi par to, ka viņi ir fotogrāfi, nevis grafiķi."
( otra maska )
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