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Fuck You Press; unauthorized publication [Feb. 2nd, 2013|07:42 pm]
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Pēdējie Ezras Paunda dzīves gadi. 

[klau, kurš ir piesitis Paunda Cantos un biogrāfiju? gribbu appukaļ]


Attends the memorial service in London's Westminster Abbey for T. S. Eliot who died in January; visits Yeats's widow in Dublin. In summer visits the Spoleto Festival and publicly reads poems by Robert Lowell and Marianne Moore. Outside the theatre, he reads from The Cantos to a crowd. On October 30, Pound turns eighty. Visits Paris and Natalie Barney and attends performance of Beckett's Endgame.  The next day Beckett visits Pound at his hotel.


Pound becomes nearly silent; two years later he would declare, ”I did not enter into silence; silence captured me.” Depression cited as the principal cause. 

Archive of EP’s papers, manuscripts, letters deposited at Yale University.


Pound visits Joyce’s grave in Zürich.

Cantos 110-116, New York: Fuck You Press; unauthorized publication.

In summer, Allen Ginsberg visits Pound first in Sant’Ambrogio and then in Venice in October, stimulating conversation. Selected Cantos published in London by Faber & Faber. Pound made the selection in 1965.


Redondillas or Something of That Sort. New York: New Directions. The poem and Pound's notes for it reprinted from a set of page proofs cut from Canzoni (1911).


June 4. Pound unexpectedly arrives in New York with Olga Rudge to attend the opening of an exhibition of the ms. of The Waste Land and a meeting of the Academy of American Poets. Laughlin takes Pound to his country home. Pound and Olga then accompany Laughlin to Hamilton College where

Laughlin receives an honorary degree. Pound sits on the stage and receives a standing ovation.

Drafts & Fragments of Cantos CX-CXVIL published in New York by New Directions.


November 1: Pound dies in Venice at eighty-seven and is buried in the Protestant section of the island cemetery of San Michele on November 3.

Paideuma, the Pound journal, founded.


December 8. Death of Dorothy Pound.

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[User Picture]
Date:February 2nd, 2013 - 08:13 pm
oi - man vajag tev to atdot - a es tevi bridinaaju, kaads esmu..
[User Picture]
Date:February 2nd, 2013 - 08:24 pm
oi un hoi! būs iemesls satikties. nav jau baigās steigas – nedēļas laikā, vai divu.
es te šķirstu Terrell'a A Companion to the Cantos of Ezra Pound un gribēju paralēli uz galda pašus Cantus. sazinās jaunnedēļ, atradīs kādu brīvbrīdi brīvā Latvijā ;)
Date:February 2nd, 2013 - 08:41 pm
[User Picture]
Date:February 2nd, 2013 - 08:42 pm
khmm.. sarunāts :)
[User Picture]
Date:February 2nd, 2013 - 08:52 pm
[User Picture]
Date:February 4th, 2013 - 06:59 pm
šis deres! Kalusies, man ir ļoti neērti, bet ir jāatzīst, ka bija neliels negadijums ar tavu gramātu - esmu pasūtijis jaunu, kas būs ap 18 Feb. Gramāta, ko aizdevi man satika nelielu terpentinu - kā es nezinu, bet labprāt vainot kādu no saviem berniem... khmm.. ir lasama, bet mazliet smird. Kā tu gribi - es varu to atdot šonedēl (varbūt rīt vai trešdien), un tad mainīt to ar jauno vēlāk - vai gaidīsim līdz 18 Feb..? Esmu šinī zinā tavs kalps..
[User Picture]
Date:February 4th, 2013 - 07:04 pm
hehehe. gan es, gan, labpatiktos domāt, Ezra pats tikai pasmaida par šo – galvenais, ka bērni iepazīst terpentīnu un dzeju :) man no terpentīna alerģijas nav.
varam satikties rīt vēlā pēcpusdienā/vakarā vai trešdien.
[User Picture]
Date:February 4th, 2013 - 07:10 pm
Šados gadijumos es ļoti augsti noverteju the humour of the injured parties ;)
Uzzināšu pār saviem planiem rīt, un tad paziņošu.
[User Picture]
Date:February 4th, 2013 - 07:12 pm
[this party has suffered no injury]