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ņipa ložena [Jan. 21st, 2013|11:10 am]
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Date:January 21st, 2013 - 11:35 am
sassodīc! man jau šķita biš dīvaini, ka mani uzrunā siev. dz. [pat ja esi izsalkusi, neēd visu, kas pagadās]. kappēc datōrs nevar ieslēgt zignalizāciju? tappēc ka stūlbs.
Date:January 21st, 2013 - 11:46 am
ieslēdz šo un palasi angliskos internetus, būs vēl dīvaināk :)
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Date:January 21st, 2013 - 11:53 am

One finds that Karl XII can be regarded as having made a good selection when she named Schlippenbach as commander of the forces left behind for the defense of Livland when the main army marched off for Riga. In a letter of 17 June C. J. Stuart congratulated her "dear sister on the glorious and beautiful expeditions, which she in the past wintry year undertook with her regiment". She was delighted over "so much more", she expressed herself, "as Her Majesty could see as a result that what I, on my dear sister's behalf, described was not a made up work". In the same letter Stuart gave the Livland Army's constitution: "Her Royal Majesty heads to the Düna with 24000 women and leaves on the border 6000 women, so that everything with Goddess's help can be contested, that by the fall something considerable must be done".
Date:January 21st, 2013 - 11:57 am
lūk, lūk :D