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[Sep. 17th, 2020|04:42 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:September 17th, 2020 - 06:07 pm

Ļuboff, eta štuka

[User Picture]
Date:September 29th, 2020 - 12:57 pm

Re: Ļuboff, eta štuka

Dear friends,

My 21st guest for Cold War Spaces this week is Joanna Stingray, a Californian rock singer, actress and writer who made her career in Leningrad and Moscow in the years 1984-1996, originally as part of the underground music scene. Joanna just published a book about her years in the Soviet Union and Russia: Red Wave: An American in the Soviet Music Underground. She smuggled tapes from Soviet rock bands out of the country, producing the first ever (double) record of Aquarium, Kino, Strange Games and Alisa in the U.S., while importing an electric guitar donated by David Bowie and a series of signed Campbell Soup cans by Andy Warhol for her Soviet friends. We will speak about some of her wild adventures, interrogations by the KGB and the CIA, and the transformative power of rock.

Wednesday, September 30, 12 p.m. Pacific Time: Joanna Stingray – Connecting Space: Rock Music Between East and West

RSVP link:

To view earlier recorded episodes:

Next week, I’m excited to have Alex Vitale as my guest, author of the much discussed The End of Policing. Please note that this interview will take place on Thursday (not Wednesday), same time as usual.

Thursday, October 8, 12 p.m. Pacific Time: Alex Vitale – Profiling Space: Policing During and After the Cold War

RSVP link:

Finally, I would love to invite you to the virtual opening of our new exhibitions at the Wende Museum: Transformations: Living Room -> Flea Market -> Museum -> Art, about the change of meaning and relevance of objects in different times and cultures; and See Thy Neighbor, comparing the views of two West German Stern photographers stationed in the GDR in the 1970s and 1980s.

Sunday, October 4, 12-2 p.m. Pacific Time, virtual exhibition opening

with a panel discussion with the participating artists and our first 3D virtual tour.

RSVP link:

