per silentium ad as†ra mille - Čē Pē, set me straight [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Čē Pē, set me straight [Apr. 18th, 2020|07:42 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:April 19th, 2020 - 02:56 am

Re: kill bill & wife-eye

take it, sleazy!

LTE '17mix
[User Picture]
Date:April 19th, 2020 - 03:03 am

Re: kill bill & wife-eye

Texas is the Reason!
can hardly argue that with a half-pyssy raison d'etre, canya?
[User Picture]
Date:April 19th, 2020 - 05:05 am

Re: kill bill & wife-eye

we sure can. with Pussies Galore you just don't pasaran.

Walk, w/ me, preferably