incognitō ergō zumzumm |
[May. 11th, 2016|04:42 pm] |
votes domāju, vai biedrs Čepānis, komjaunatnes darba varonis, dažu saeimu spīķeris un nu jau laikam arī caurkritis trasta baņķieris, maz zina, ka viņš kādas interesantas grāmatas atsauču sadaļā parādās vienā lappusē ar biedru Kastaņedu, Cibas fondu un biedreni deBovuāru?

kāds tad ir Alfrēdonkluļa, atzīmēta kā Chapanis (labka ne A. Chapman), pienesums no viņa idejōlōģiskās jaunības šai globālistu apokrifā ar dubultās grīdas titulu Changing Images of Man?
78. lappusē lasām: Chapanis (1970) stresses that the difficulties in harmonizing the man-machine interface, which used to be attributed to the limits of man, can just as well be regarded as the limited abilities of the machine. Though man's calculating rate is slow, subject to error and fatigue, machine systems have more difficulty correcting their mistakes, have very limited methods and choices of action, and are so far incapable of forming hypotheses. More and more effort is being directed toward making the computer accommodate to the man rather than the other way around.
biju cerējis, ka grāmatā par imidžiem būs vairāk bildīšu. figu, tikai 17. lūk, pēdējā no tām.
Chapter 6 described some characteristics of the "image of man" which is at once compatible with the reemergent "Perennial Philosophy" and is well adapted for dealing with humankind's contemporary dilemmas. Of special interest to the Western world is that Freemasonry tradition which played such a significant role in the birth of the United States of America, attested to by the symbolism of the Great Seal (on the back of the dollar bill).

In this version of the transcendental image, the central emphasis is on the role of creative work in the life of the individual. (In "true Freemasonry" there is one lodge, the universe - and one brotherhood, everything that exists. Each person has the "privilege of labor," of joining with the "Great Architect" in building more noble structures and thus serving in the divine plan.) Thus this version of the "new transcendentalism" (perhaps more than other versions imported from the East more recently) has the potentiality of reactivating the American symbols, reinterpreting the work ethic, supporting the basic concepts of a free-enterprise democratic society, and providing new meanings for the technological-industrial thrust. At the same time, it is compatible with other versions more indigenous to other parts of the globe.
Systems Science & World Order Library: Explorations of World Order |
Comments: |
Bet tur ir Ciba Foundation!
dacdapoint, dacīt ;) pieminēju godīgi, uzreiz aiz kastaņu eddas
Bet ja godīgi - kas tas ir? Džozefs Kempbels ir tas pats, kuru grāmatu pēc grāmatas čakli pārrakstīja Rubenis?
Droši vien, ka tas pats. Neba nu zupas konservu pionieris, tas jau vecāks kungs. A – kas tas ir – to es cerēju, ka man kāds cits pastāstīs. Pašam īsti nav laika. Šķirstīju te illūminā†u ziņas, uzdūros sējumiņam. Anuka, anunakī, nodomāju – iegrāmatošu vēlākai lasīšanai.
wow, nezināju, ka idejas par cibas veidošanu ir tik senas! :o
vovo, kā teica b. Čipānis – ne jau cibiņi ir sūdīgi, vienkārši Cibu vaig biš pieķūnēt.. a tas prasa laiku. | |