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Rietrumu māņticība [Jan. 19th, 2016|03:42 pm]
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Mija ar prieku ir sākusi pārlasīt Bangkoku 8, ko mēs lasījām iepriekšējā kopistiskajā atvaļinājumā Kubā '07ajā gadā. tam tekstam tomēr uzreiz cits smeķis parādās, kad varoņi staigā pa tām pašām takām, kuras pats esi bridis.

es, savukārt, esmu ieurbies Bērdeta svaigākajā ōpusā The Bangkok Asset, ko paķēru GrungTepas lidostā pirms mājupceļa (kaut arī man ir visa sērija puslegālās ēgrāmatās, kādas 4 ir arī papīrā, tā ka var klopt, ja ir interese).

Out on the street I waited for a taxi to take me across the river. Perhaps it sounds odd to you, R*, that in a difficult case one should ask for occult help, but for us it’s really not so strange, though we don’t normally tell farang** like you about it. To suppose that humans are rational is a largely Western superstition to which most Asians are resistant. After all, if reason has failed in this case, that must be because reason isn’t powerful enough to penetrate the mystery, mustn’t it? Clearly, I need something with more chili. I’m off to see the wizard. All the best seers live on the west bank, known as Fangton.
* Šai gabalā autōrs lasītāju uzrunā kā Reader un ekōlōģiskos nolūkos šo vārdu vēl saīsina uz cienījamo Æŗŗ
** Neraugoties uz to, ka Mija apmeklē franču valodas kursus, viņai vēl nebija dalecis, no kurienes tajiem nāk šis derogatīvs baltajam cilvēkam
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[User Picture]
Date:January 19th, 2016 - 04:20 pm

But they told me that I'm rational!

Modern rationality is nothing but a complete submission to the irrationaly perceived "authority" of those who claim the absolute truth of their politically relevant perceptions.
[User Picture]
Date:January 19th, 2016 - 04:25 pm

Re: But they told me that I'm rational!

Resist stance ain't phew, Tyler
- Door Zen
Date:January 19th, 2016 - 04:37 pm

Re: But they told me that I'm rational!


[User Picture]
Date:January 19th, 2016 - 04:38 pm

Re: But they told me that I'm rational!

hehe, lapsa!
[User Picture]
Date:January 19th, 2016 - 04:30 pm
Jā, es arī par to rationality. Kultūrspecifisks izdomājums.
[User Picture]
Date:January 19th, 2016 - 04:41 pm
instrumentam jau nav ne vainas, pielietojums gana plašs.
bet nu tā spiedzošā pielūgsme atgādina jaunkundzes, kas ģībst no Bītlu vai Stounu parādīšanās. bet man galīgi negribas spiegt līdzi ;)