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[Nov. 28th, 2015|08:42 am]
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What would you recommend someone who is graduating high school do if they are interested in computers/technology and entrepreneurship?

I’d recommend not going to college and starting a company right away. Colleges don’t make any sense anymore. Perhaps 20 or 50 years ago when accessing information was difficult, colleges were useful but nowadays they’re a complete waste of time. You can just learn any topics you need when you need them.
Instead of going to college and wasting your life, go get Peter Thiel’s fellowship. It gives you $100,000 to work on your idea and it requires you to drop out of college.
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Date:November 28th, 2015 - 09:27 pm
Ja viņu ar kādu nejaucu, pats Pēteris pirms gadiem 10 mēģināja stāties MIT (neveiksmīgi).