per silentium ad as†ra mille - as SS wonce sayd [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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as SS wonce sayd [Jan. 27th, 2008|02:12 am]
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Renē tikko tā kautrīgi pieliecās un noteica: "As Susan Sontag once said — time is just the revenge of the space continuum."
Leonards Coens dzied īpašo Zontāgai veltīto Suzan versiju, arī Razbainieks turas braši — viņiem ar Renē šī ir kāda 36-tā stunda.
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[User Picture]
Date:January 27th, 2008 - 02:24 am
Erotiska romantika.. 36tā stunda.. ;)
[User Picture]
Date:January 27th, 2008 - 04:48 am
erotiska būtu 69 stunda, as reputedly said by susan sonntag.
[User Picture]
Date:January 27th, 2008 - 01:15 pm

omg, sjūzænn

I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel,
you were talking so brave and so sweet,
giving me head on the unmade bed,
while the limousines wait in the street.
[User Picture]
Date:January 27th, 2008 - 01:11 pm
jā, tas pārītis izskatījās nenogurdināms :)
[User Picture]
Date:January 27th, 2008 - 03:10 pm

bestest everest

neuzvarams! preved, labred, helou berļin :)
[User Picture]
Date:January 27th, 2008 - 04:38 pm

Re: bestest everest

i silently concur whilst thou conquerest the highest everest