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[Nov. 2nd, 2014|01:13 pm]
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I’m young enough to be all pissed off
But I’m old enough to be jaded.
I’m of the age where I want things to change
But with age my hopes have faded.
I’m young and bored of being young and bored –
If I was old I could say I’d seen it all before.
In short, I’m tired, and in short I’m probably fired.
If the revolution doesn’t want me I don’t give a shit.

In short, šis ir tavs šīsdienas horrorskōps.
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[User Picture]
Date:November 2nd, 2014 - 03:26 pm
sajauci - šis ir pareizais horAskopis:

Always ready for another go
Always going for another round
Volunteering for a better try
And preparing for a clever side

You, you are kinder than the kind
You are milder than the mild

Still, I believe you're gonna hold them tight
I can see you're trying to crush them now
I can feel you're gonna win

Always ready for another start
Always going for another round
You, you are perfect all the time
You must please the public line
You, you are kinder than the kind
You are milder than the mild
You are clean in every way

What is there to strike for?
What is there to stand for?
What is there to drive you?
What is there to run for?
What is there to rise for?
What is there to shout for?
What is there to combat?
What is there to push back?
[User Picture]
Date:November 3rd, 2014 - 09:02 am
ne dienas bez horrōrspoka!