per silentium ad as†ra mille - hahahhahahahhahahahhaaa. iz fanī, nō? [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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hahahhahahahhahahahhaaa. iz fanī, nō? [Aug. 25th, 2014|02:21 pm]
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Disruption is both a mind-set and a methodology that TBWA uses every day in developing ideas that help its clients find a completely original way of presenting a brand to the world.

confucius: new order
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[User Picture]
Date:August 25th, 2014 - 02:51 pm
[User Picture]
Date:August 25th, 2014 - 05:08 pm
Slikti uzvedīsies, dabūsi Disrapšen grāmatiņu vai pāris pudu prezentāciju!
[User Picture]
Date:August 26th, 2014 - 08:29 am
i want moar & i want tit fast!


[kaukad vecumdienās jūs man varēsiet izstāstīt, par ko bija šī filma disrupcija]