13 August 2020 @ 10:06 pm
Es esmu zemes bērns  
Kārtējo reizi gribēju rakstīt par ego, taču sastapšanās ar skaistu mūziku radīja vēlmi paklusēt un doties ārā. Tur tiešām ir vasara. Mūzikā, aiz manas pilsētas robežām pastaigas laikā, sirdī. Ko tas mainīs, ja sākšu te spriedelēt, kā katrs vairāk vai mazāk dzīvojam uz citu rēķina?


"Given that the song is about our connection with nature, and the feeling of stillness, presence and awareness wild places imbue our hearts with, it seemed only natural the visuals should invite those very feelings. I remember them most intensely from my childhood, when spending all hours outdoors in warm summer days was the most magical and fun thing there was. When we become adults, there is always so much to do, and so little time to do it, that we don’t allow ourselves this stillness, this silent communion with nature and with ourselves. Walking without a destination, sitting on a rock unaware of time passing. What’s more, we don’t even feel like we are missing out, for we are always rushing. So much that there is no time to even consider an alternative way of being. But something is always calling us, inviting us to retrieve what had been lost. Shooting this video, I had spent more time outdoors than I have in a very long time. We followed the weather and often waited for the magical hour of twilight. We took advantage of the 24 hour day light and sometimes went to a location late in the evening when there was little foot traffic. Every such trip felt like an adventure, at a time of day most people were on the couch watching an episode before turning in. Which is exactly what I would have been doing myself had it not been for the filming. It made me wonder, why I had stopped doing this. Going outside spontaneously, just to watch a sunset, or to feel the rain on my face. Me, who has always been so aware of how much I need nature to feel balanced. It felt quite shocking to realize that between work and children, cooking, cleaning, and so forth, I had forgotten to make room for such moments in my life. I forgot to make room for myself. It is as though it was always on my mind, but a part of me thought: “Oh well it will still be there once I have the chance to go and experience it.“ As if it were not possible right then and there. As if I needed some excuse, some purpose beyond that of simply going outside and being in my own company. I think we are all a bit trapped in our routines, for that is how the world is designed. Perhaps it is time to break out of them a bit. To make room for spontaneity, and allow the unexpected to happen. For without mystery, our lives become dull. So here is to playfulness and spontaneity. Let them not be exclusive to childhood but follow us throughout our lives always. Let us live each day as if it were our last, for one day, it will be."

Marketa Irglova

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木[info]dombrava on August 14th, 2020 - 09:17 am
Bet vai tas ir iespējams? Viss taču rodas mijiedarbībā? Es neesmu pilnībā atdalīta no pasaules. Protams, kaut kādā ziņā es varu kaut ko izdomāt, piešķirt tam fizisku formu, bet no kurienes impulss un ideja? Un vai uzreiz mans, ja esmu tikai instruments?
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Eos[info]eos on August 14th, 2020 - 09:20 am
Tavs jo arī instrumentam ir nianses. Kā klavierēm. Kā tās noskaņo.
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