Devil May Cry (PS2, 2001)

Jan. 10th, 2009 | 12:30
Skan: Gorgoroth - Wound Upon Wound

Devils Don't Cry

Par spēli uzzināju, iegādājoties kārtējo Capcom spēli iekš Ebay (šķiet, ka tā bija Resident Evil: Code Veronica X), kurai līdzi bija jānāk Devil May Cry demo diskam, bet tas tur nebija. Paskatījos izdevēju un tas bija un joprojām ir Capcom – daudzsološs radītājs. Bet pirms spēles iegādes es no tās neko daudz negaidīju - nebiju pētījis. Bet tas mainījās pirms kāda mēneša, kad spēle tika iepazīta caur cilvēku atsauksmju un recenziju gūzmām. Beigu galā arī nopirku pirmo daļu, kuru izgāju un šeit recenzēju:

Wikipedia: “Devil May Cry (frequently abbreviated as DMC) is an action game developed by Capcom Production Studio 4 and published by Capcom in 2001 for the PlayStation 2. Although the first game in the Devil May Cry series, the events in the game are second in the series storyline's chronological order, taking place after events in Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, and before Devil May Cry 2 and Devil May Cry 4.
Set in modern times on the fictional Mallet Island, the story centers on the characters Dante and Trish and their quest to confront the demon lord Mundus. The story is told primarily through a mixture of cutscenes, which use the game's engine and several pre-rendered full motion videos.
Devil May Cry received prominent coverage in the video game media, high overall scores from professional reviewers, and has sold more than two million copies."

"Devil May Cry began its development life as a Resident Evil 4 title for PS2, after the completion of Resident Evil 2, under the direction of Hideki Kamiya and "Team Little Devil". Early research and development work included a trip to Spain, to examine various castles as a basis for the game's environments. However, in prototype status, the game proved to be a radical departure from the established Resident Evil formula and the survival horror genre in general. Rather than abandon the project entirely, the premise was changed and the game eventually became Devil May Cry. Some of the major gameplay elements were partially inspired by a bug found in Onimusha: Warlords. During a test-play, Kamiya discovered that enemies could be kept in the air by slashing them repeatedly, which lead to the inclusion of juggles by gunfire and sword strikes in Devil May Cry.
According to Kamiya, Devil May Cry was designed from the ground up around Dante's acrobatics and combat abilities. The decision was made late in the development process to change the game to a more mission-based advancement, instead of the more open-ended structure of the Resident Evil games. Devil May Cry's difficulty was intentional, according to Kamiya, who called it his "challenge to those who played light, casual games."

Visa spēles būtība ir ietverta līmeņu struktūrā, proti, ... tālāk ... )

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Mizantropa ēdienreize

Jan. 10th, 2009 | 01:00
Skan: Defloration - Misanthropic Instinct

Эвия и Роман Петровы (мама & папа), 8. jan 10:58
LABAkAA sausmene Jusu praat ir... ???


Эвия и Роман Петровы (мама & папа), vakar 11:40
Es jau tikai pajautaaju jo nesen te tik istajos un redzu cilveku atsauciibu

Ivo Disfigurātors , vakar 15:30
Sen vai nesen - tas nav būtiski. Būtiski ir lietot smadzenes un pašam/pašai veikt izpēti.

Эвия и Роман Петровы (мама & папа), vakar 19:49
vaiiiiii viens nupat lielaa smadzene ierunaajaas... tu laikam domaa, ka kko uzdirsot nepazistamam cilvekam uzreiz esi liels viirs, ta4 nolaidies uz zemes - tu tikai paraadi publiski to, cik mazs tu esi, jo metajies ar truliem uzbraucieniem neka personiiga, vnk smiekliigi skatiities [Evija]

Ivo Disfigurātors , vakar 19:56
Ne jau man ir personības dalīšanās un nespēja operēt ar diakritiskajām zīmēm. Un arī trulu uzbraucienu neizdevās atrast - ir tikai tie, kas ir pa tēmu, tēmēti uz domāšanas veicināšanu, izziņu un pētniecību, nevis minēto aspektu slāpēšanu. ... tālāk ... )


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