running to stand still

May 31st, 2009

12:52 pm

klepus, mļēēēē

06:49 pm

es šodien beidzot sapratu, ka 1) elle ir korsetes uzvilkšana, 2) šķīstītava ir tas laiks, ko tu pavadi korsetē, 3) svētlaime ir tad, kad beidzot to korseti novelc. vienvārdsakot, nopirku savu pirmo korseti. izlaiduma kleita no humpalām (lol, tradīcijas jāietur - arī pamatskolas izlaiduma tērpiņu atradu humpalās, man vienkārši paniskas bailes, ka kāda varētu uzvilkt tādu pašu tērpiņu kā manējais) ar korseti zem tās uzreiz izskatās mīlīgāk, galvenokārt tāpēc, ka vairs nevaru saliekties piecos līkumos, bet ir jātur tā taisnā mugura. tiesa, nekādi neapskaužu tās dāmas, kurām korsetes bija jānēsā katru dienu.

bet vispār man ir jauna mīļākā mājaslapa - vecais, labais

Today, I received my passport in the mail. They got my birthdate wrong. Then I picked up my birth certificate that I had sent in with the application. Turns out my parents have been celebrating my birthday on the wrong day for 16 years. FML

Today, I went on a date with a guy for the first time. We went to Starbucks and got coffee. We talked for awhile, and we were joking and having a good time. Suddenly, he put his hand on my stomach and said, "soon, this will be plump with my seed." FML

Today, this girl and I were chilling in my apartment and things got heated up and we started making out. One thing lead to another and the next thing I knew she was giving me head. I was getting ready to bust when she stopped, looked up into my eyes and said "Do you believe in Jesus?" FML

Today, I told my mom I am bulimic and have been for a few years and that I need help. She responded by saying "Well that's clearly not working for you. Why don't you try anorexia." She then patted me on my head, smiled, and walked away. FML

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09:32 pm

Šlesers izskatās pēc 8gadīga sākumskolēna, kurš, klases audzinātājai neredzot, paspējis viņai iekniebt dibenā tā, lai viņa nepamana, kurš tas bija.

sasodīts, es nezinu, par ko balsot
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