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reliģiskais moments

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[May. 25th, 2017|11:25 am]
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Ego is a particular way of understanding self (!). It's characterized as follows:

1. Based in the past (memories).
2. Conceptual -- i.e. there's a boundary between "me" and "the world/others", there's persistent ideas, narratives, and images associated with "this is how I am"
3. Anxiety-driven: ego wants to survive, powered by evolution
4. It is an element of the mind's model of reality -- a Lego piece in a Lego world held within the mind
5. Used for prediction, control, explanation
6. Subject to being compared to others, assessed and judged and "punished" if inadequate or rewarded if successful.
7. Maintained by automated psychological processes: no choices are needed, no awareness needed.

(es uzskatu, ka šis ir jāmāca skolās!!!!)

Mans ir jauns mīļākais rakstnieks @quora
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Date:May 25th, 2017 - 12:50 pm
o! cik forši un labi formulēts ar shēmu palīdzību. Jauki