hipopotama pieraksti

27. Maijs 2015

galvenais hipo


27. Maijs 2015

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Ski to Sea

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Starp citu, kajaku posma uzvarētājs bija tikai Šons Raiss (Sean Rice), viņš arī surfski pasaules čempions. Otrā vieta? Dorian Wolter, māsteru (40-44) čempions. Kaut kā tā.

Svētdien jāmēģina tikt paairēt. Gribas jau visu, skriet, velo, kajakot. Kā lai to visu saliek vienā dzīvē?

Kāda vilšanās

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P-hacking is a colloquial term for the process of manipulating – perhaps unconsciously - the process of statistical analysis and the degrees of freedom until they return a figure below the p<.05 level of statistical significance. This is achieved by dropping one of the experimental conditions in the results so that the overall p-value would be less than .05.
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