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The Pull-out Quest program provides highly capable students the opportunity to engage in challenging, integrated, and enriched project-based learning with their academic peers. The program is designed to meet the needs of students who have been identified as having exceptional cognitive and academic ability by enriching their elementary curriculum. Students attend their home school four days a week and the Pull-out classroom one day a week.

The Pull-out program focuses on project-based learning with an emphasis on integrated social studies and science themes. Projects focus on literacy and math, using higher level thinking skills, in-depth learning, collaboration and cooperation, and presentation skills.
  • Izklausās cool :)
    • Esot arii. P koleegjim beerns ir pilna laika programmaa (Em mazliet pietruuka), tur izklausaas diezgan iespaidiigi. Gan no izgliitiibas viedoklja, gan forshuma.
      Emiilija bija laimiiga, uzzinot, ka reizi nedeeljaa dabuus braukt ar skolas autobusu. Mums gan buus jaadomaa, kaa to visu sakombineet. Es nezinu, vai vinja tad varees tajaa dienaa buut pagarinaatajaa grupaa (bet nu autobuss pie skolas --> skolas zaale tachu nav sarezhgjiiti? Jaasaprot tikai, vai shejienes skolaam tas ir pienjemami), vai mums buus jaadomaa, kaa vinju 4:15 savaakt no autobusa. Bet gan jau viss izdosies.
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