She's a Witch
29 Aprīlis 2020 @ 22:55
divas dziesmas!  
Pirmā, ļoti labi raksturo kā es jutos pēdējos 3 gados Latvijā...
(dazūbrīd arī tagad tik melnas domas uzmācās)
So sick and tired of being alone
So long, farewell, I'm on my own
I'm sorry mom, I've got to go
I dug this grave I call my home

My life don't mean that much to me
So I'm living for you
Yeah, I'm living for you
And you can't stand the sight of me
So what's the point of this
Fucked up catastrophe?
I'm waiting for my time to start
As I waste it
I pop these pills to waste some time
As I'm fading

This shit messes with my head
The only home I know is my bed
Too lazy for a suicide
I just watch the days pass hoping to die

Otrā dziesma, vairāk atbilstoša pašreizējai situācijai
(arī vaibs/mūzika šai dziesmai patīk labāk)

Sometimes I've been losing my mind
Running out of faith
Lonely, I've been feeling lonely
Put me in my place

Twist and fade
Time to run away
I can't take this
I've been a little patient
No escape
I've got to get away a little faster
Run you little bastards
No one is there to help me
Sometimes I've been losing my mind
Running out of faith
Lonely, I've been feeling lonely
Put me in my place
So fuck you, I don't even like you
I'm sick of all the fake
No sleep - got another nosebleed
I can't feel my face

I've shut my mouth
While you prance around in my jumpsuit
Awe, that's so cute
No escape
I've got to get away a little faster
Run you little bastards

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Klausos: palaye royale - little bastards
She's a Witch
27 Februāris 2017 @ 14:44
Come Join The Murder  
Skudriņas skrien pār muguru klausoties šo

Neatceros,kad pēdejo reizi tik ļoti kaifotu pie kādas dziesmas❤
She's a Witch
17 Oktobris 2016 @ 15:51
Tik ļoti mīlu šo dziesmu.

I'm searching for something that I can't reach

I don't like them innocent
I don't want no face fresh
Want them wearing leather
Begging, let me be your taste test
I like the sad eyes, bad guys
Mouth full of white lies
Kiss me in the corridor,
But quick to tell me goodbye

You say that you're no good for me
Cause I'm always tugging at your sleeve
And I swear I hate you when you leave
But I like it anyway

My ghost
Where'd you go?
I can't find you in the body sleeping next to me
My ghost
Where'd you go?
What happened to the soul that you used to be?
Tags: ,
Klausos: hasley - ghost
She's a Witch
22 Augusts 2016 @ 09:33
...Miegains rīts, tāds mazliet miglā tīts, domu mutuļos izvārīts.
Es kā mazs ezītis, redzu cauri miglai,
kuru nevēlos pat saskatīt...

Kā jau esmu daudzkārt minējusi, esmu galējību cilvēks.
Šobrīd esmu ieslīgusi miera un vientulības galējībā.
Neko, negribas. Burtiski.
Negribu runāt.
Negribu domāt.
Negribu būt tur vai citur.
Negribu just.
Negribu strādāt.
Saprotat, to brīdi, kad tiešām negribas NEKO?
Cilvēki nesaprot un cilvēki neredz paši sevi.
Viss ko es daru nav tāpat vien.
Viss ko es jūtu vai nejūtu nav tāpat vien.
Bet par to nevar runāt, nav jēgas skaidrot.
Viss kas paliks pāri būšu es un mans domu piesmēķētais prāts.

šodien galvā skan veca, senaizmirsta dziesma
un liekas, ka šis ir īstais vibe šodien.

"Kas tad tev īsti ir ar tām emocijām? Tev viņas galīgi kaut kur pazudušas."
Neatceros īsti ko atbildēju, bet patiesībā pati nezinu atbildi uz šo jautājumu
Man nav emocijas un ir par daudz emocijas reizē.
Viss ir bezjēdzīgs un nav jēgas pat censties.
Gribu ielīst savā aliņā,
citā pasaules maliņā ^^

Dope-Slippin Away

I'm trying hard to understand
I'm trying hard to do the things it takes to be a man

Life's slipping away from me
It's not the way I thought it'd be

I'm trying hard to understand "and to know just who I am"
I'm trying hard to get a break or just to give a damn

I'm trying hard to get away "but I always seem to stay"
I'm trying hard to understand a fucking word you say

Life's slipping away from me
It's not the way I thought it'd be

Somebody help me
I' in this mess and I'm slipping away

I'm trying hard to understand "but I don't know if I can"
I'm trying hard to make the best of this mess I'm in
Klausos: Dope - Slipping Away
She's a Witch
27 Jūlijs 2016 @ 09:22
Testosterone boys and harlequin girls  
Is it still me that makes you sweat?
Am I who you think about in bed?
When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress?
Well, then think of what you did
And how I hope to God he was worth it
When the lights are dim and your heart is racing as your fingers touch your skin

I've got more wit
A better kiss
A hotter touch
A better fuck
Than any boy you'll ever meet
Sweetie you had me
Girl, I was it, look past the sweat
A better love deserving of
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat
No, no, no, you know it will always just be me
Tags: ,
Klausos: Panic at the disco -lying is the most fun
She's a Witch
28 Jūnijs 2016 @ 23:09
It's just the echo of the blood in your head  
Reizēm, lai cik saulains un pozitīvs (ne)cilvēks es būtu, es noteikti esmu depresīvākā būtne, 
kuru pazīstu, jo reizēm, kad nepietiek enreģijas būt "normālai"
 no manis nak laukā tāds depresņiks, piemēram kā šovakar,
 un tā kā man negribas sāpināt citus es tikai klusēju piebilstu,
 ka esmu neapmierināta un to neslēpju, bet nespēju to iekšējo depresņiku tapat līz galam izlaist ārā 
un šādos brīžos es priecājos, ka man ir mūzika. bišķin 
black metāls palīdzs 
 bišķiņ death, 
bet beigu beigās vislabāk nomierina Acid Bath. 
Es mīlēšu to grupu forever and ever.
Mūzika spēj izteikt vairāk nekā miljons vārdu,
bet arī vārdi šamējiem dikti labi.

Dead girl
There will never be another one that dreams like you
Dead girl
There will never be another one that screams like you
When death sleeps, it dreams of you
Delilah played the dead girl at the freak show
She smiles like a ghost
Like zombies eatin' dust in Mexico
Life dries cold beneath the dead soul lights
She asked if it would hurt
I smiled and said no
The lie ran down my chin like embryo
She smiles like a corpse
Like zombies eatin' dust in Mexico
Life dries cold beneath the dead soul lights
When death sleeps, it dreams of you
Dead girl
There will never be another one to look in your eyes
Dead girl
There will never be another one that bleeds like you
I been dryin' in a dead age
I been reekin' of the new plague
The sound of the ocean is dead
It's just the echo of the blood in your head
Sister burn the temple
And stand beneath the moon
The sound of the ocean is dead
It's just the echo of the blood in your head
Burning your black flags
Burning your black flags
I been dryin' in a dead age
I been reekin' of the new plague
The sound of the ocean is dead
It's just the echo of the blood in your head
Sister burn the temple
And stand beneath the moon
The sound of the ocean is dead
It's just the echo of the blood in your head
Burning your black flags
Burning your black flags
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Klausos: Acid Bath - Dead Girl