24 Aprīlis 2020 @ 20:11
I don't love you  
This will never be a love letter
Don't ask me which flower I like better
All of them bloom so pretty
& die as fast equally
Every lovely flower can touch
my soul so deep
Each one has it's own story
There's no need to put only one to glory
It's the natures way
Sun rises and sun sets
There is always new beginnings
and new ends
Appreciate every little flower you touch
Their bright colors wouldn't make grass seem so green
Without love letters there wouldn't be hope to be seen.
World is purifying now
learn from it how.
This is not a love letter,
Don't use your power
just saying,
Never ever pick a flower.
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Jūtos: creative
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Skuķis[info]izdziivotaaja on 24. Aprīlis 2020 - 23:35
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She's a Witch[info]damn_thing on 24. Aprīlis 2020 - 23:48
ohh, thank you <3
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