brookings - It's not as if I couldn't be doing something more useful [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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It's not as if I couldn't be doing something more useful [Dec. 19th, 2008|08:24 pm]
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Gribētu braukt uz Angliju lai satiktu draugus un ģimeni, bet nevaru un viss: Pagājušos (?) ziemsvētkos mes ar savu meitu uz turieni braucam, un tur es dzirdēju sekojošas četras sarunas. Izrādas, ka man nav labāk ko darīt nekā ierakstit tās šeit: kretins esmu.
Pirmā saruna notika rindā lidostā Stansteadāāā (kurā nekas nenotika)

Good Timing
Cilvēks A:  “That’s good timing”
Cilvēks B “Good timing”
A “Right”
B “How was it?”
B “Lovely”
A “Wonderful”


A “You want to watch your bag here”
B “Yeah”
A “Yeah, someone had theirs nicked the other day - sitting over there havin’ a coffee. Someone walked right up and nicked it”
B “Security should have stopped it”
A “Security – make me laugh”
B “You don’t know who’s about, do you?”
A “Nah”


B “How’s your trip?”
A “Weather was lovely”
B “Wonderful”

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[User Picture]
Date:December 19th, 2008 - 09:01 pm
nicked it? something from a Fast Show :D
[User Picture]
Date:December 19th, 2008 - 09:09 pm
nicked it - half-inched it - the world's full of dodgy geezers, I tell you.
[User Picture]
Date:December 20th, 2008 - 10:58 am
mees pakojamies. peec paaris stundaam izbrauksim.