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Par grupu līderiem [Dec. 16th, 2011|11:22 am]
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Buvēt dziesmu nevajādzētu būt tas pats, kā buvēt sienu pēc arhitektura planiem. Ja ir, tad grupa ir pilna ar darbiniekiem (kam ir tiesības pieprasīt algu).
Jā ir līderis, tad viņiem vajādzētu būtu ka Mark E Smith, vai Captain Beefheart - cilvēki, kas ir brīvi no amatnieka (muso) slimības (un arī maksa saviem kalpotājiem).
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Date:December 16th, 2011 - 12:36 pm
var palūgt Tavu meilu?
[User Picture]
Date:December 16th, 2011 - 12:39 pm
Vai esam pazīstami (in real life)?
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Date:December 16th, 2011 - 12:37 pm

es te runāju ar sevi

wanted to draw a comparison with West Ham Utd under Sam Allardyce, in which under his strict leadership, they play for periods within a 90-minute game (that seem to last 3 hours) a kind of anti-football - so drained is it of creativity (angles, speed etc). Only when they need to score a goal do they realise a collective purposeful creativity - which is connected with liberty and life.

See even the Brazilian way is still built on a system, but the system lends itself to creativity - you can move and dance within it - and it's well understood by all, so a leader that has to impose strict control is unnecessary - just someone to plug the gaps (Dunga).