brookings - for the zillionth effing time, national economies are not the same as household budgets [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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for the zillionth effing time, national economies are not the same as household budgets [Jul. 14th, 2010|04:42 pm]
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Date:October 11th, 2010 - 03:17 pm
I think what you say is quite true.

Economics is definitely the sphere where I just have to raise my hands and say: guys, I sure hope YOU know what you are talking about, because I certainly don't.

And it is certainly true that I have an irrational liking for rationally put thought. Maybe it is not that irrational though, since, if something is put rationally, I think I have a greater ability to have a stab at its validity.

I mean -- whoever is economist, if he says: I think A,B,C, because X,Y,Z, then there will be at least a meager chance I have some ability of evaluating X,Y or at least Z myself.

However, I actually do not have the ability (or even time) to investigate Z alone, not to speak of X and Y! Nevertheless, he sort of earns a nod from me. Ridiculous, when you think of it. :)

Of Dombrovskis et Hansen -- I've never looked at it from this perspective (neither do I follow their blogs though, just read the 1 or 2 articles, which appeared at height of uncertainty) -- so that's a very interesting point to me as well, thanks a lot.

P.S. I am not so sure about Hansen though -- wasn't he the one who was kind of warning Latvians back in 2006 (or maybe even 2005) about the housing bubble? I definitely read an SSE professor attacking it back then, in Diena, but was it Hansen or some other fellow with a similar kind of name?