brookings - for the zillionth effing time, national economies are not the same as household budgets [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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for the zillionth effing time, national economies are not the same as household budgets [Jul. 14th, 2010|04:42 pm]
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Date:August 18th, 2010 - 10:05 pm
Understood - I have a similar concern. However, I was shocked by my ignorance of the fact that most central banks are private affairs with an effective monopoly on the issuance of money (which through the manipulation of bonds and fractional banking they seem to conjure from nowhere) - it is worth, therefore, delving deeper (with a little scepticism for oxygen). Luckily, I suppose, I have a small array of acquaintances who are paid-up (literally paid-up) advocates of neo-classical economic theory. It helps to cross swords, if only to see where we both stand (which may of course have no bearing on the actual truth).

For my part, I have come at this both intentionally and accidentally - intentionally as a debt-slave in the making, and accidentally, through, for example, reading about Locke's philosophy; and his involvement with House of Orange, the City of London, the Glorious Revolution, and the Bank of England.

Actually, it is also emotional - I went to a school founded by the Fishmongers of the City of London, and always felt I was being brought up in an environment with a real political bias. I suppose I have been reacting against it ever since. That probably reads as quite pompous, but it is true.
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Date:August 19th, 2010 - 12:26 am

Call me pragmatic

On the other hand — it is not that bad that fishmongers do fund a school or two, rather than just buying the next set of fairy castles.