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[May. 19th, 2023|07:34 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:May 19th, 2023 - 10:45 pm
Good for your dad. I'll take a shot of rom for him and you.
My dad is, unfortunately, very intelligent and meak, thus couldn't make himself memorable in my childhood apart from playful things. Still love him though. Maybe he is just the dad i deserve.

I've listened some Jay Dyer. That guy is really something else. Didn't know there are people of our generation that gets that deep into such shit. Very interesting chap to listen to even, when not understanding a single bit what he's on about. Still don't understand whether he's an actual christian or some kind of conservative/alt-right poseur. Anyhow, good guy that makes noggin joggin.
[User Picture]
Date:May 19th, 2023 - 11:25 pm

I have a book by Jay Dyer "Esoteric Hollywood", which is worth a gander.

The synchronicity around anglo-saxon roots is probably self-induced - partly. The West Ham fellow abroad, and an email from a friend who found his parents dead in which he referred to an old British film about a haunting - an old saxon building spooking scientists (The Stone Tape). Then there was a rat in the garden by the chicken coop, which got me thinking about the Lovecraft story "The Rats in the Walls". Have you read that? If you have, you will see what you I mean.
[User Picture]
Date:May 20th, 2023 - 01:06 am
No, i certainly haven't. Point me to exact source pls.
I, however, found fascinating accounts of 60s "hippie" musician types that Dyer commented on. The better source is
Haven't read it, but listened to some interviews of author.
or read something like this

The whole pedo infestation of the West seems like literal horror story, Lovcraftian shit. Never thought people can be so vile, but then i come to realize that some of us aren't even people.