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[Dec. 12th, 2022|07:11 pm]
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Date:December 12th, 2022 - 10:33 pm
Noklausoties šito īso video, pie sevis nodomāju: "Jā, čalīt, 1974. gada martā tu nomiri."

Atradu garo versiju, un - ko domājies?

Great minds think alike. :D

Bet ja reāli, esmu šito kontemplējis citā griezumā, un vnk idejas savilkās kopā. Lakoniski - tu nevari turpināt dzīvot "trekā", kurā tu esi nomiris, therefore - lēciens uz tādu, kur tu vari dzīvot. Lai gan es šito biju izravējis kā nebūtisku no savas necilās ārmčēr teorijas. Bet whatever. Interesanti, ka viņš tāpat izsecināja.
[User Picture]
Date:December 13th, 2022 - 03:30 pm
klausīšos to tuulin.

The night I summoned a demon by mistake my wife shared my dream - some kind of fusing of the dreamworld is, therefore possible, under extreme circumstances. As we were not together when it happened, something as you put it caused her to leap into that world/state of being.

Not quite the point I think you wanted to make, but he expounds on it - among a host of occulted pleasures in Valis.