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[Jun. 9th, 2022|10:30 am]
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Date:June 11th, 2022 - 09:45 am

Re: ...

anekdote patiesham laba :)

GS is a depressive guy - always on the look out for offence, so I agree with you on that. I could write an essay on him, but now is not the time.

I would say, though, there are other guys I know who are far more upbeat and 'understanding', who had more than just stares. African teammates who were either beaten up in train stations or chased through the streets. That kind of thing, of course, doesn't happen so much anymore, and, to be fair, also white foreigners would be targeted too on the way home after a few beers (one yank friend had a broken jaw, my boss had a gun in his mouth (98) for a laugh, apparently), and there were several other muggings). The difference is the black guys were beaten for who they were, and the white guys were beaten for money.