Jun. 9th, 2022|10:30 am |
Esmu Eiropietis
Neesmu iists Dz Stila fans, bet zinamaa meraa vinjam taisniibaa. Mani nebalti draugi sheit ir biezhi teikushi, ka te nav iespejams vinjiem sleepties. For example, I came across an old student - who I had had a good rapport with - by the garbage bins. I said 'sveiks' twice, and he couldn't place me. Only when I took off my hat and said 'hello', did he recognise me. "How do you think I survived here so long?" I told him in my tracksuit bottoms and dark jacket. "Hah hah" he replied.
Jaa, neesmu vinja fans, bet kad vinsh runa par saviem beerniem (vinju pieredze), tas ir patiesham saapiigs. |