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How I would explain it in English to someone from home [Aug. 15th, 2021|09:34 pm]
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Date:August 16th, 2021 - 01:07 pm
Yes, it is interesting to see how far things will go.

What is batshit crazy, is the fact, that if only the government (in the broadest terms, not only the Cabinet) had enough of competence at the initial vaccination stage, and respected the people it represents, it might have offset the worst of media craze. And indeed won some trust instead of losing much of what little it had.

And then, the vaccination _requirement_ would probably not be needed (as enough people would have been vaccinated of their own free will), or if it would be, it would be received on par with the existing ones -- for there are already existing mandatory vaccinations after all, and have been for a long long time.

As it is, the lack of trust in government is reflected in poor vaccination rates, and creation of opposite Just Causes within and without Officialdom (as per C.H.).

However, mind this. If you believe, as I do, that the government reflects the people, even if it doesn't represent them, then you would be quite skeptical about the idea that something is coming, if you meant that as some sort of internal uprising.