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[Aug. 13th, 2021|04:54 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:August 13th, 2021 - 07:56 pm

Re: What are they going to do

paldies - paskatīšos vēlāk.

On one hand, using the examples of Jews in Germany is a little tasteless, on the other hand; however, it throws into stark relief the attitude of all our contemporary nice young and middle-aged things.

When face to face with actual real discrimination based on a corporate supranational totalitarian attitude towards experimental injections (that don't stop the spread of this virus), they either disappear or get upset when someone points out potential analogies with past horrors. I mean just wear the red band, comrade. Just leave Germany and go to Palestine. Just take the injection, eh?

Particularly funny was the anger some of our darlings had to the current soviet campaign. Funny, because it was a mirror for the kind of totalitarianism they imagined they would have opposed in its time.

[User Picture]
Date:August 14th, 2021 - 01:56 am

Re: What are they going to do

Most of Ciba "intellectual" users would be collaborators and "stukači" in the soviet era. They deserve no mercy at all. Spineless drones with ingrained slave mentality. I despise them so much.