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[May. 19th, 2021|02:46 pm]
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Date:May 21st, 2021 - 06:30 pm
Just for the record (and in case it is of any interest to anyone), this is my understanding of this thread:

1: In the context of polio, I agreed with C-19 about the vaccines but point out there is a great difference between that and SARS-Cov2 as the current virus is not a great danger to those under 75 in Latvia. I chose Latvia as I know the stats and - I don't know - we both live here.

2: C-19 responds by saying that I am lucky we live in LV, because in India the situation is different.

3: Though it turns out he doesn't have the data on that.

4: Or on the situation in LV because - well there is a lag on the information, so ...

5: I give him the link to the official record of weekly deaths.

5: Which he considers to be of no use because it isn't per-capita (I mean I am assuming that he is what he means (jo no 10 viens nav tas pats kas no simts viens).

6: I tell him he can look up links to demographic change in LV. It isn't difficult after all - maybe I should have given him the link? I assumed he would understand that meant I knew what per-capita meant. I don't expect him to have read me make reference to the significance of population size in interpreting data in a response to Helvitica, but still.... no?

7: Anyway he finds a spike in the number of all-cause mortality deaths in younger people!

8: Though every year year has a spike, so I tell him he needs to compare it to the spikes of other years. I already did it, and tell him he can look at in an earlier ciba post.

9: To which he responds that it doesn't matter because you need to analyse the data (per-capita).

10: Maybe here, I really should have given him the link to a site showing population in Latvia by age group over time. Maybe that would have helped... It would be a simple calculation to get a general idea. I mean I know, for example, there are more people over 75 in LV than there were 10 years ago. So it isn't hard to do so basic number crunching.

11: But, I don't know. I was getting the feeling I was dealing with a disingenuous specimen. And all this opā, opā, opapā, mehh, emmm huiņa had begun to grate, so...


12: To which, like some .... whose mum keeps telling him is a bright spark, he actually tries to explain per-capita to me, as if it had never entered my mind.

The truth is in the data. You can make it per-capita: go on, do it, and see what you come up with.

But, it wouldn't make any difference anyway because we live in Latvia, and in the first wave there wan't much infection. The fact that the data I referenced covered LV's second wave doesn't seem to be relevant. But as the local police chief recently told me, "old boy, don't look for logic.."

It just doesn't matter. None of it.

Look, maybe I misunderstood what he was getting at. LV ain't my native language, and I was in a hurry and distracted by work. Really, maybe I made a big mistake somewhere. If I have, I will put my hand up.

But to me, right now, this thing seems like a cult. And you can't discuss the veracity of the object of the cult's worship with a cult member.

And this guy is not the only one.