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cita profesija, citi hobiji [May. 8th, 2021|02:57 pm]
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Date:May 8th, 2021 - 04:09 pm
Piemeeram, DeSantis pieprasiija laboratorijaam publiskot Ct.
Paareejiem laikam ir kaut kas sleepjams.

On December 3, in a joint statement, DeSantis and Florida Surgeon General Scott A. Rivkees announced that labs must report the cycle threshold (Ct) and reference ranges on every single test.

This is important because the higher the Ct, the less likely a person who tests positive will actually become ill or be contagious. In August, a New York Times feature article reported that up to 90% of tests taken in New York, Nevada, and Massachusetts were essentially false positives. (C)