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Gobshites [Jul. 27th, 2009|08:40 pm]
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Date:July 29th, 2009 - 11:50 pm
Yes, personal bankrupcy starts to sound attractive. I heard something about the Latvian govt making it more feasible for people as well -- until now it was supposedly too expensive(!) to declare yourself bankrupt unless you happened to be a Ltd.

Public sector, public sector. Honestly, I am in two minds. Perhaps because I believe I personally could still earn more or at least as much as now in private sector, if push comes to a nastier shove. But really, when I look at the organization I am in, I doubt some long needed changes in personnel would have taken place unless the budget was cut so severely. And I think it is the case in much more than my institution.

Thanks for the compliment on language. I like to practice it when possible -- I feel I don't get enough opportunity in the last years, at least on general subjects.

I do enjoy very much reading your Latvian posts. I must admit though, it is quite interesting to occasionally have to backtrack to English to understand why you were using a particular phrase or order or words. ;)