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[Mar. 23rd, 2021|02:18 pm]
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You can always tell a real protest: the signs are all over the place. Free, occasionally; untrammeled and unvarnished. Cliched, of course, here and there, as if we accept our organic matter can be programmed by nodes hither and thither networked and bolstered by, sometimes, ourselves, then what are you going to expect?

Last time I walked those streets in protest it was against the first Gulf War. I'd even gone to pull people out of the lecture halls for it. That's what I was like, then. It was full of the SWP, in general. We ended up outside Downing Street with the Police doing military maneuverings in front of us. It looked as though were too many for the Police to do anything much about it this time. Each time they tried it was as though the march snaking its way through the Capital was electrified, and they'd retract or coalesce around an exposed element.

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[User Picture]
Date:March 23rd, 2021 - 07:26 pm
Tas tā kā flashmob kaut kur UK? Jo oficiāli jau protestēt nedrīkst?
[User Picture]
Date:March 23rd, 2021 - 08:43 pm
jā - apmeram 50,000.