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[Feb. 24th, 2021|09:55 am]
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Vēl viena stulba sazvērstības teorija.

No jab, no job - real cancel culture - a little tougher than the one you lot are debating. Tougher, too than the one described below, but still a limb of the same beast:

I mean I could tell a dissident class was being identified. I’m not blind. I am not only talking about editorialising in the major news portals. I am talking about calls for censorship within a group that I have already been reasonably close to: an alternative music grouping. But there it was on 13/12 on a Radio Naba FB thread. Some new eager ones with appropriately flagged profile images argued for the cancelling of some free-thinking young artist who had been blowing her instrument for brīvu grību. She had been there among a throng of deplorables at the end of their tether the day before between the Daugava and the President's Pad - you can tell. Most of them easy meat for the piss-taking intelligentsia, who scoffed at their lunatic conspiracy theories.
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Date:February 24th, 2021 - 10:24 am
Kāda jēga bij breksitot, ja tagad bez ES normām čakarē savus cilvēkus vēl vairāk.
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Date:February 24th, 2021 - 10:38 am