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Jan. 28th, 2021|09:54 pm

I agree that media are quite bad about covid, but that has been unfortunately true about most of the crises since media had start to fight for readership vs social networks. Objectivity has gone out of the window and now it is much more about positioning and providing echo chambers for their audiences. There are certain remnants of objectivity, but they seem few and far between.

That said, tvnet, delfi and lsm (state media!) do report news about claims that people have died after taking covid vaccines; if you scroll through lsm covid news you can see articles about side effects that vaccine may cause, about health professionals who didn't want to innoculate, etc.

> If there is such a thing as a Soros-Globalist

There isn't. Do you honestly believe that there exist people in Latvia who wholeheartedly care about some globalist agenda? All that crap is just next level of name-calling, same as the other way round talking about nationalists, reactionaries and automatically considering Trump supporting people dumb. It is just a fundamental us-and-them ape society thing with virtue signaling.

> denuded of financial independence

Funny you should say it. Because we don't have actual financial independence and haven't had since maybe 1930ies. Our financial system is deeply dependent on the US, as evidenced by the speed with which Ministry of Finance is pushing through anti-laundering laws, as per request of the US Department of Treasury. But we are NOT unique in this respect, AT ALL. It is the fate of most small countries, and the US is currently the global money power. A delicate position, but not something that needs any supranational conspiracy. It is perfectly US-national one, and the only players who have enough clout to deal with it are larger countries. But the price of disrupting existing economies (even for larger countries) is so high, that I believe the US will continue to wield this power for some time.

> it wouldn't be hard to hide it. No official media would report it, only a few would even need to know about it,

But we have no official media. Or rather, we are not getting majority of our news through them. We have a number of news portals who are in no way official (tvnet, delfi, apollo) and wouldn't really care to be censored -- I mean they would probably cause quite a stir, and they are not locally owned. I mean, 5-10 years ago, the government couldn't really do anything about Lemberg's owned newspapers, has something changed in their powers that now they can shut up media as they wish? Tbh I doubt it very much.

But more importantly, "few would even need to know about it" - now you got me. So you think everybody in government and business circles is a retard, who just agrees to any measures government proposes because they don't know any better? Our government can't even make a change in VAT rates without howling of various interest groups and without having their hands slapped every now and then, and now everybody agrees because they can't do anything about it?

I find it quite extraordinary. And, as Carl Sagan wrote, "extraordinay claims require extraordinary evidence" .

P.S. Not to speak about that it is not only our media who could be quite vocal about it. What would Russian media give for whiff of conspiracy (granted they are not interested much in Latvia, but then again we are talking about supranational conspiracies, not some local muddled affair)! It would be all over the news there, out for everybody who cares to listen.
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