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Jan. 28th, 2021|09:54 pm

> I think it is real, so I don't have to presume too hard. Regarding death rates, though, I agreed with you when you advised focussing on all-cause mortality, which [..] have to do some quite hard presuming to go along with your description of its degree of fatality. But I can do it if you like.

Yes, thank you. Because in that discussion I also later on wrote about another cause of *why* maybe the death rates are not as high yet, as they potentially could.

Namely, that people got treated in hospitals, and thus hospitals were able to absorb plenty of cases which might turn into death cases otherwise. I mean, why would people otherwise go to hospitals in the first place?

Which brings up my point about hospital system capacity. And the need to maintain hospital load below maximum. And here we have a potential for different views, because I think that just as you argue that economy is deeply bad off due to covid restrictions (which is self-evidently true), the economy would be in tatters if the covid was allowed to roam freely. And we wouldn't have the mortality rates as they have been in 2020, but something much worse, and much more disabilities in people who survive.

As regards your opinion of what should be done with restrictions, I am afraid we are neither of us qualified to propose the best solutions. So I am afraid my opinion is that we simply have to rely on people who are either epidemiologists or are at least following the measures and their effects in other countries much more closely than I (and I presume also you) have had the time to do.

[continued, as my comment was too long]
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