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Jan. 28th, 2021|04:26 pm

> Essentially, the inability of people to wonder about what else might be going on here

What *might* be going on is a phase space. Please consider the concept.

Does your consideration of inability to wonder includes consideration of wondering about what would happen, if governments *didn't* try to impose restrictions to try to limit the extent of disease?

Let us presume (just for a moment!) that the virus is real, and that while it is by far not as lethal as bubonic plague or typhoid fever, it IS easy to catch and the rate of outcomes are let's say just 5x worse than a typical flu infection. And I don't mean just death rates (which are 10x higher than typical flu), but crippling possibilities and chronic effects (like diminished lung capacity), which will weigh down on a person for the rest of his life.

So. If the government does nothing, what happens? Significant part of people sure do get over it. However, you can't say in advance, which ones would those be. And those who are ill, do frequently need to be in hospitals to try to manage the covid, even if they are not all the time at risk of immediate death.

Now, as I wrote earlier to you, I don't know the situation in the UK, but in Latvia [as we discussed earlier] there are only so many hospital beds for all possible causes. If covid beds increase the load on health system, it's not as if it has much to spare -- many other patients will go untreated at high loads, until their situation becomes critical, too.

Of course, we can always blame somebody for the poor state of health system, however, at the moment it is the way it is. There is no magic wand to train 1000 doctors and nurses immediately and persuade them to work right now and right here. Without which 1000 new hospital beds, which are easy to procure, will mean nothing.

Are all the restrictions made in good faith and are useful? Probably not. But I would go more towards lack of competence and experience than towards nefarious all-encompassing purposes. At least in case of Latvia. It would be very hard to keep these things secret.

At any rate, my usual question in discussions like this, is:

I know what would convince me it is a global conspiracy (on the order of something much more than the usual politics, which have been going on during the past thousands of years). My own eyewitness evidence of intentions -- overheard conversations, access to leaked documents[about which I can be reasonably sure they haven't been faked], things like that.

How about you? What kind of evidence would invite you to reconsider your opinion [and possibly lower your opinion of government institutions]?
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