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Jan. 14th, 2021|04:20 pm

I am not commenting on UK, as I know almost next to nothing about it. My mother-in-law in Manchester says hospitals are empty there, but then again, she is only looking at hospitals from outside, and Manchester is below UK average on covid so far.

As regards LV, the situation with beds of course is rather bad.

However, the problem is deeper than simply NUMBER of beds, as many smaller hospitals outside major towns have had rather bad reputation for quality of treatment, at the same time having subscribed to major long-term investments in infrastructure by buying expensive equipment, when they could.

NHS in Latvia has long and deep problems starting with requiring interns to pay(!) for their opportunity to work at hospitals [hint: no other country I know does this. you may not be paid much, but you have opportunity to earn money by working in medicine as you learn, rather than having to have an outside job just so you can make ends meet], and ending with pharmaceutical company lobbies and high level corruption in a number of areas.

The problem is -- who dares to gainsay medical establishment, when you don't know when you will need the next medical treatment?
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