brookings - August 5th, 2021 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 5th, 2021

The computer says 'no' [Aug. 5th, 2021|11:08 am]
No epasta no veca drauga, kas dzīvo Skotijā:

"After we spoke I had some food and went round the corner to a local bar. Out of interest, I asked the waitress if I could have a beer outside, as others were doing. She said I'd have to scan into "Track and Trace". (Outside?!) I said I have no phone that will work with that tech. She said, "You'll struggle then, that's how you access the menu as well" - and walked off.
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[Aug. 5th, 2021|11:29 am]
Visu iemeslu mirstība Latvijā 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 nedēļas: 

2021 = 2,526
2020 = 2,062
2019 = 1,950
2018 = 2,012 
2017 = 1,989 
2016 = 2,087 
2015 = 2,143 
2014 = 2,067 
2013 = 1,949 
2012 = 2,024 
2011 = 2,017 

Šajā laika periodā bija 44 Cvd nāves gadījumi (no

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