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[Jun. 26th, 2020|10:15 pm]
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klausos Vagneru ( un lasu Moses Hess "The Essense of Money".
My thoughts return to Utrecht, where the anarcho-syndicalist krogu komandā, kurā es toreiz spēlēju
came into, on the campsite
men of the right
from Germany.

I drank Stroh (80%) ar saldo iebiezināto pienu
"Genius is in the meeting of opposites" es apgalvoju.

Ja nemaldos uzvarējam spēli, bet
they left us a white feather.
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[User Picture]
Date:June 27th, 2020 - 01:25 am
"men of the right
from Germany.

what sorcery is that and how'dya conjured't?!
[User Picture]
Date:June 27th, 2020 - 02:34 am
Bija 1994
[User Picture]
Date:June 27th, 2020 - 03:13 am
i bet they were about 50 at the time
[User Picture]
Date:June 27th, 2020 - 07:38 pm
Nē nē - no kaut kādas mazas pilsetas austrumvācijā