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I for one, ... [Apr. 3rd, 2020|11:29 am]
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Date:April 4th, 2020 - 11:10 pm
Tomēr (note to self), herd immunity could be bullshit:
"His reasoning resembles his hair. We are facing pure madness. First, herd immunity is a brilliant invention and fantasy created by the pharmaceutical industry. Only an imbecile can believe that there exists such a monstrosity as herd immunity, which simply doesn’t exist.

If you wish, we can make another show where I’ll explain why (herd immunity) is a scam. But even if it existed, how does herd immunity exist for a disease that does not give you immunity? It is as if you were saying that herd immunity exists for colds. We’re really in front of a character (Boris Johnson) who speaks because he has a tongue. He is dangerous and should be stopped."

The whole interview is great: