Jauns politiskais spēks Ķekavā |
[May. 10th, 2017|11:18 am] |
Comments: |
Like a Beethoven dissassembling the notes of Latvian Legal Code ceaselessly and tirelessly - may he conduct with my voice and vote in mind. Speaking of which my eldest daughter won a portable phone charger from a representative of the European Commission yesterday - for asking the three best questions of the class: very proud that she had asked me what to ask: clever girl.
ay portable PhC from a rep of the EC?! :))
ļauj mums izbaudīt daļu lepnuma, par to, ka mūsu vidū ir tāds tētis, kuram ir tāda meita, kurai ir tāds tētis.
Aww :) Others would term me a manipulative brainwasher, of course. | |