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[Oct. 28th, 2016|12:15 pm]
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Banku sistēma Padomju Savienībā - gandrīz bez skaidras naudas  - "In the Soviet Union (as in most other STEs), there were few private checking accounts. Nevertheless, there was something like a checking account in the enterprise sector, and that was "bookkeeping money" on account with Gosbank.

Indeed, these bookkeeping accounts were the only type of money used between one enterprise and another. Whenever one enterprise shipped its output to another enterprise which used it as input, the Gosbank account of the "output-enterprise" would be credited, while that of the "input-enterprise" would be debited. In this way, goods made their way through the production process without occasioning any exchange of cash."

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Date:October 28th, 2016 - 04:02 pm
Even, when everything was produced in accordance to plans from Moscow, to get right materials in right time, you needed a cash, good relationships and vodka (or RigaBlackBalsam) - that was real economy driver. And there were a sectors, where cash was circulating in big amounts, but question is - how big % from total, this I don't know.

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Date:October 28th, 2016 - 05:21 pm
My father-in-law said he was paid overtime in vodka. As for how much cash in the system, I don't know - the same as now (about 3%)?