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notikumi citadēlē [Nov. 10th, 2014|11:08 am]
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Date:November 13th, 2014 - 01:56 pm
At least in media, btw, the statement is that Latvian state was informed by EC that the bank must be sold by the end of this year as part of the original lending package, I believe. Rather than the opposite.
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Date:November 13th, 2014 - 02:20 pm
that's what I meant -
"Our administrative staff (Latvian State) informed that it had to be sold by the end of 2014."
- here it is truncated passive ('was informed').
In the active voice, we need an object after 'inform' - e.g 'He informed us that...''

Though, when I post here, I have to admit I make some shocking typos sometimes :)