Here copulate horny snakes - unconditionally |
[Jun. 6th, 2014|01:44 am] |
Pēc Loza nāves, mēs meģinājām atrast vecas dziesmas, fotografijas, un..apskatus no musu jaunībās ar domu taisīt kādu LP, ar kuru mēs varam viņu atzīmēt un atcērēties - un sakarā ar to, tikko saņemu vēstuli no drauga (ar kuru spēlēja, vo, ko? pirms 25 gadiem): viņš raksta šādi "found a photocopied page of a Swedish fanzine with a review of Home
Entertainment. It occurred to me, being the bright bloke I am, that its
Nordic secrets could now be unlocked through the power of the internet.
So I spent a happy hour typing it into Google Translate, one sentence at
a time, and
letting its glorious contents revealed themselves to my astonished face"
"Punk brutality and anarchy of the Pop Group. Black-clad guitar exhibitionism and Teardrop Explodes morbid pop-depression. Something of this and more collide on The Replicas demo Home Entertainment.
Here copulate cutting guitars horny snakes. Cascades of cymbals overwhelms vocalist worn-out heart and drown it in the metallic clatter of guitars that kamikaze crashes against a wall of echoes.
And then the stillness before the tones lift back and carried on. Healed and purified.
It is correct to say that the band's creations are a little tricky. Song after song flow together into one compact and constricted sound mat. Ingrained, Sob Song, The Bucket, All Part of the Process and This Reporter's Opionion are all small untamed masterpieces, but only after a sacrificial listening. There is a huge passion of this band but I feel that it is the strong dislike that they will share it. The tags sprawls outwards threatening. Perhaps a more professional production entice them to open up, but it would also probably destroy everything the Replicas is. Because it would be a shame, they are worth an unconditional listening. And time en masse." |
Comments: |
Laurence Brewer - vēcs draugs un izcīls cilvēks, ar kuru Richard un Iain spēlēja daudzās grupās pēc The Replicas. | |